• single-product

Map Power (History) 9

  • Category : MAP PRACTICE

Geographical Atlas Features

Incorporated Boundaries

The boundaries of Union Territories JAMMU & KASHMIR AND LADAKH have been incorporated.

Attractive Layout

Extremely attractive layout.

Accurate Maps

Accurate and detailed maps produced with the help of the latest digital cartographic techniques.

Supporting Information

Some maps are supported by relevant photographs and information bytes. The information given is according to the needs of the students.

Geographical Themes

The geographical themes in the atlas are treated at global, continental, and regional levels, allowing students to make comparisons between places and understand the unique features of the areas. Themes covered include climate, natural vegetation, soils, land use, resources, biodiversity, and natural hazards.

Websites and Flags

Names of some important websites have been given to enable students to gain more knowledge. Flags of almost all countries along with key statistics are provided.

Cross-Reference Index

A full-fledged cross-reference index containing about 5,000 entries enables students to quickly find any place or feature in the atlas.