• single-product

Grammar Power 2 (Thoroughly Revised)

  • Category : ENGLISH

The Grammar Power Series Features

  • Is a combination of textbook and workbook
  • Uses deductive approach in presenting the grammar concepts through examples, explanations, and exercises
  • Reinforces learning from previous class in young learners’ mind through Let Us Revise sections
  • Provides Warm-up activity at the beginning of each chapter to initiate them in understanding the concepts
  • Lays emphasis on various usage of parts of speech through language activities
  • Focuses on clear and simple definitions for young learners’ better comprehension
  • Provides additional activities in Teachers’ Zones in classes 1 to 5
  • Provides useful information and effective pointers in Teachers’ Flags in classes 6 – 8 to make the teaching-learning process more rewarding
  • Strengthens spelling skills through The Spelling Aid sections in classes 1 to 5
  • Explains the correct uses of words in The Usage Notes sections provided in classes 6 – 8
  • Provides Common Errors sections in classes 6 – 8 to correct potential mistakes
  • Explains the subtle uses of different punctuation marks in the Punctuation sections
  • Contains a graded and enriched Composition section in each book. Picture composition, e-mail writing, message writing, process writing, and dialogue writing have been given special emphasis.
  • The unique section Integrated Grammar Exercises contains editing passages, gap-filling and omission exercises.
  • Contains Revision Test Papers and Model Test Papers.